from past relationships can be hard to shake — and that's OK. You're
allowed to feel confused, hurt, or angry about a relationship that's
gone wrong. What is important is that you don't let that negative energy
turn toxic and start affecting how you view all relationships.
"Previous hurt and pain either from our family or other relationships is the biggest reason why people develop negative mindsets around relationships in general." Jennifer B. Rhodes, licensed psychologist,
tells Bustle. "We all need to do our healing work and get to a place
where we can see our behavior and our partner’s behavior in a positive
It's not fair to your partner or to your relationship to
view them negatively because of something that happened before you even
met. That being said, it's an easy thing to do. If you realize your past
relationship issues are affecting the way you view your current
relationship, don't feel bad — just commit to getting over the issues so
you can have a happier, healthier relationship. Everybody's issues are
different, but there are some problems that tend to stick with you.
Here are the issues from old relationships that can affect how you view your current relationship, according to experts.
1A Breach Of Trust
Ashley Batz/Bustle
you've had a breach of trust before — such as lying or cheating — it's
easy to carry that issue with you into your next relationship. "Trust
and loyalty is huge in any relationship," Caitlin Bergstein, a
matchmaker at Three Day Rule
tells Bustle. "When you have these broken by someone you love, it is
totally normal to be self-conscious or overly sensitive to these issues
in your next relationship."
You might find you're holding your
partner at arm's length, that you're second guessing them, or that you
just aren't letting yourself relax. Make sure to remind yourself that this partner hasn't done anything to deserve it.
2Bad Communication
Ashley Batz/Bustle
people think that fighting is just a normal part of a relationship. If
you've always had bad communication in a relationship — because you
don't really deal with any of your issues — you may associate
relationships with arguing. "Typically, when people are holding onto
past issues there is a fair amount of arguing about things they aren’t
really upset about," Nicole Richardson, Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist,
tells Bustle. It can become a cycle, that just gets worse with every
relationship and makes you think that dating has to involve anger and
disagreements. Take a step back and try to work on your issues, either
with your partner or with a professional.
3A Lack Of Closure
Ashley Batz/Bustle
your previous relationship ended without closure, it's easy to feel
like relationships are temporary. "The end of a long-term relationship
is never easy but when it comes unexpectedly, it can cause you to be on
edge or unsure in future relationships," Bergstein says. "It can create a
sense of caution and you may find yourself holding back emotionally
from a really great relationship because you’ve been hurt in the past."
If you aren't letting go or willing to think about the future, try to
figure out why.
Andrew Zaeh for Bustle
you've suffered from abuse in a relationship previously, you may not
view your current relationship as a safe space. "When you come from a
relationship that was unhealthy for any reason, it’s fair to be a bit
guarded when you start a new relationship," Bergsteinsays.
"Experiencing an unhealthy relationship can really change how someone
views themselves, future relationships, etc." This is a situation where
talking to your partner is key, but seeking professional help may also
be the right option.
5Falling Into A Carer Role
Andrew Zaeh for Bustle
"Some people date the emotionally unavailable to rescue them," New York–based relationship and etiquette expert of Relationship Advice Forum,
April Masini, tells Bustle. “... Sometimes you need someone who is
‘damaged’ to make you feel less so. Being able to articulate this reason
for dating the emotionally unavailable may make you realize this isn’t
really in your best interest.”
This can cause two major issues.
On the one hand, you become used to never getting your needs met and
don't ask enough of your future partners, but it can also mean that you
view relationships as a chore or a burden.
Andrew Zaeh for Bustle
bad breakup with someone you thought you were going to settle down with
can definitely lead to some abandonment issues. "When you've been
dumped or abandoned previously it can feel difficult to open your heart
to someone for fear of that pain again," Jasmin Terrany, licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), tells Bustle. If you're suspicious or cynical about your current relationship, that might be why.
7Struggling With Vulnerability
Andrew Zaeh for Bustle
If you've been burned emotionally in a previous relationship, you may not want to be vulnerable in your current one. "The walking wounded who’ve
resolved ‘never to love again’ finds little joy in their new
relationships. And their partners suffer from their emotional
withholding," author and relationship expert Susan Winter
tells Bustle. You might be cold, distant, or even be disloyal yourself,
rather than make yourself vulnerable. As Winter says, it's not fair on
your partner.
Having a hangover from your previous relationship
is nothing to be ashamed of, but it's important to work through it so it
doesn't affect your current relationship. If you have preconceived
ideas of this relationship or this partner that have come from previous
relationships, you need to take some time to process what you've been
through in your past and separate that from your present. Your partner
deserves better — and so does your relationship.
Cristiano Babin/Getty I Although some people make it seem like sexting is something new and unique to the digital age, the art of sending steamy messages to a sexual partner is centuries old. It’s just a hell of a lot easier these days to contact someone and also, if you’re so inclined, share a hot pic or video. Talking dirty when you’re far away from a partner doesn’t have to be embarrassing, and you shouldn’t feel any shame about doing it. Actually, it’s our humble belief that sexting is something you should totally do (you know, assuming you’re into it) to keep your relationship interesting. Not that it’s not already interesting! But if things are lagging in the bedroom , sexting can be a great way to spice things up and show your partner that you’re still digging them, even if sometimes you’re a little too tired at the end of the day to have IRL sex. And you’re still in the “honeymoon phase” and want to keep it that way, sext...
MANCHESTER, NH – Memorial High School Principal Arthur L. Adamakos said this past school year by far has been the most challenging in his 41-year-career with the Manchester School District. Adamakos this week reflected on his career with the Manchester School District now that his June 30th retirement is in sight. The COVID-19 pandemic upended the school year, resulting in remote learning since March and the cancellation of proms, award ceremonies and class trips. And there is still no word on how the city’s four high schools will celebrate graduations. “My goal is to have a physical graduation, not a virtual one,” he said. “That’s what I have been campaigning for. Still, we’re going to have to practice social distancing.” And administrators must figure out how to deliver diplomas. “That could be interesting so there’s a lot to be discussed. It’s in progress,” he said. It is important for the seniors but Adamakos is looking forward to it as well...
If you’ve been holding your breath, waiting for your relationship to crumble under coronavirus lockdown, well, take a breath. Maybe it won’t. A new poll suggests that Americans might not be headed for the coronavirus divorce spike that China has seen, and many Portland-area residents agree that their relationships are stronger than ever. A new national Monmouth University poll of people currently in a romantic relationship found the “vast majority” report that mostly their relationships have stayed the same as before the pandemic upended normal life. According to the findings, of Americans who are in romantic relationships, “59% say they are extremely satisfied with that relationship and 33% are very satisfied. Another 4% are somewhat satisfied and just 1% are either not too or not at all satisfied.” That “extremely satisfied” number is very close to previous national polls -- 57% in 2017 and 58% in 2014. The type of relationship also matters -- 64% of married partners ar...
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