Developing Relationships

The company is committed to communicating with local communities as it considers operations or activities that may affect them. GTE’s goal is to ensure the company’s work does not adversely impact communities and, whenever possible, to create opportunities for these important stakeholders in Gran Tierra’s operations in Colombia.
With operations in multiple areas of Colombia, a country with complex national and local dynamics and a diverse population, GTE develops and implements community engagement strategies for each scenario. The strategies take into account socioeconomic and cultural differences and the needs of the local communities near GTE operations in different parts of the country. Although the tactics may vary, the objectives are the same: to develop strong, multifaceted and sustainable relationships with the communities. Each regional strategy is based on international standards. GTE has seven social investment priorities: education, health and sanitation, infrastructure, productive development, agriculture and sports, community strengthening and institutional strengthening.
It seeks social investment projects that have:
  • A positive impact on the community
  • Sustainability
  • Public support
  • Possible co-financing
Project selection done jointly with local leaders and authorities. For legally mandated social investments, approval of the projects by ANH (Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos – Colombia) is required.

Social Investments

The Colombian oil sector has a long history of significant social investments accompanying each development. GTE has funded hundreds of community projects, typically valued in tens of thousands of U.S. dollars each. Moving forward, Gran Tierra believes a clear and principled approach to social issues, focused on local economic opportunities, will yield both sustainable benefits to communities and a stable work environment for the company. Therefore, GTE has begun to move away from making a large number of small social investments and instead intends to focus on a small number of larger efforts that will provide long term sustainable economic and social benefits and do so in a more economically efficient fashion.


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