Happiness Is In Non-Attachment
Lightness and letting things breathe
“Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.” — The Dalai Lama
Attachment is tragic
The basic cause of suffering isn’t that bad things happen. Bad things willalways happen. People will always fall out of love, or leave — in one way or another.
Our pain and hurt comes not from change, but from our attachment.
We expect things to be a certain way, and we’re crushed when it doesn’t happen.
When reality doesn’t match up to the image, friction happens and pain occurs.
solution isn’t to cling more desperately to someone — or the idea of
them and your relationship. Your salvation isn’t in coupling up with
“the one” who promises to never leave you.
The solution is to accept that everything in life changes.
Non-attachment is happiness
It’s setting up reasonable expectations.
you live without attachment, you live with honesty. You allow things to
flow their natural course, accept that which you cannot control — which
is everything outside your own mindset — and instead curate your
wellbeing through your state of mind (one of lightness.)
is about humility. It’s understanding our smallness in the grand scheme
of the universe, and the limitations of our control.
It means loving lightly.
about not attaching yourself to your partner. It’s not about
preoccupation with the concept of marriage or maintaining any demands
around how long the relationship will last.
than falling in love with an expectation or image, you love the person
as a fellow human being making their own way in the universe.
than wanting your partner (and relationship) to stay the same
forever,it’s loving enough to leave them unleashed — and free.
Loving is accepting a partner fully — for who they are in each moment, even as things change.
Because they always will.
And it’s appreciating them so much more because you’re ever-aware of that none of this will last forever.
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