few New Year’s Resolutions for Improving Relationships

1) Make time for regular contact

Priorities may seem like they are self-defined, but that is not always the case. There are elements in our lives over which we have full control, including how we rank the importance of certain relationships. This year, be firm with yourself and make an effort to get together with the important folks on a regular basis. Maybe it’s a monthly coffee date or making a point to text each other to see how their day is going. Make relationships a priority this year.

2) Get creative with your quality time

Doing the same old thing can get stale very quickly. Branch out and try out activities that are just on the edge of your comfort zone. Look into a new resource on what’s happening in your community and invite your SO to check it out. If you usually catch up with your parents by hosting a movie night, mix it up by going out on the town for a comedy show or out to the woods for a winter hike. Be creative!

3) Practice your active listening

This technique is essential for relationships with both our closest confidants and those who ruffle our feathers. Active listening includes hearing what words the other person is saying, listening for subtext and not spending the whole time your mouth is shut drafting what you’ll say when you open it again. Even in the heat of an argument active listening can make a huge difference.

4) Make expressing gratitude a priority

Think of the important folks in your lives. When was the last time you thanked them for something small, yet important, they did? When was the last time you told them you appreciate them for who they are? If you’re still struggling to conjure up the answers, your relationships could probably benefit from a regular gratitude practice. It doesn’t have to be formal—just make sure that you express your appreciation to the ones you love on a regular basis. Write a letter or card, reflect on a moment with them where you felt thankful for their presence, or just simply say the words.

5) Don’t kick yourself when it gets rough

All of these resolutions are often easier said than done. We are human, after all, and humans screw up stuff all the time. But the best, longest-lasting relationships can make it through our flubs and failures if we take the time to repair the damage made and strive toward doing better in the future.


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