Transformational Experiences: The Key To Building Lasting Relationships

My Star Wars experience helps me produce transformational experiences for our clients and their audiences. These are experiences that go beyond influencing customers to buy a certain product or service. As Seth Godin once said, “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.”
This statement couldn’t be truer. If you want to build a lasting connection and bond with your customers, you must focus on creating a transformational experience that builds trust and leads to a relationship built on a common passion.
Here are four things that Star Wars taught me about creating transformational experiences:
Start with the heart of the audience.
Why was I the perfect customer back in 1977? Because George Lucas knew me: I was a younger version of himself. Lucas grew up as a movie-loving kid in Modesto, staring at the night sky (like Luke Skywalker) and wondering about his destiny. He followed his heart and made a movie for his 12-year-old self, supported by his study of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. His movie was an invitation to dream for everyone who ever yearned for an epic adventure.
What do your customers yearn for in their hearts? They want to belong to something greater than themselves. They want to find a “tribe” that shares their values and ideals. They want to share, laugh and celebrate with people like themselves. They want to be part of something that might continue to influence the world after they’re gone. In other words, they want meaning.
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