Relationship goals part C

In this current age where social media is a source that many depend on for news, entertainment or even their own personal diaries, it’s as if everything one does, says or thinks ends up online. For many, this includes their relationships as well.

The line between what is normal and what isn’t has become blurred. When all anyone sees while surfing through Twitter or Instagram is infinite couples seeming perfect, it becomes hard to realize that there is more than what is depicted on the screen. For every post, there’s a backstory. Every relationship has its own history that can’t be understood solely through what we see online.

Finding a way to maintain a healthy relationship in these changing times, with the increase of social media interactions, can be a difficult thing to do. Adding in the factor of stress and change that comes about with college can add strain. But, it’s not impossible. In the end, what it all comes down to is one simple, yet incredibly necessary, tactic that far too many couples forget to utilize: communication.

Communication, when used in a healthy and constructive way, will solve the problems of many relationships. It helps both partners understand each others needs, and the ways in which those needs can be met. With communication, those in relationships should be able to comfortably discuss problems they are having, and can do so in a way where both feel understood.

To achieve proper communication, one must force themselves to listen to what the other is saying. Often, it won’t be what you want to hear, but the best thing that can be done is to try and understand the point the other is making. If, in the end, there is still disagreement, then the other can plead their case calmly and without being accusatory or irrational.

It’s also important to always be honest. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but if problems aren’t brought up, then the anger will continue to grow inside until you erupt. Don’t allow it to get to that point.

It can be easy to forget that communication is not only vital in romantic relationships, but in any and all relationships. Family, friends, roommates and coworkers all deserve the respect of open communication. It will ultimately lead to happier and healthier relationships within every aspect, bettering one’s life as a whole.


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