What Are The Most Common Habits of Unhappy People?
First, they tend to focus on what’s not right. What’s wrong. What’s bad. What they don’t like.
They tend to believe, I think, that focusing on the negative will change it into the positive. That doesn’t work.
It would significantly benefit them to learn to focus on the positive…on the smallest things that are going right and be grateful for them. (I’ve posted on this extensively.)
And, second, they could also benefit by realizing they’re creating their own experience of misery by their actions, by their thinking, by the way they handle their emotions, by their probably tendency to believe they are victims.
We humans are far more powerful than we know and much more in charge of our lives than we choose to believe. One day we’ll “get” that and our lives will become much different as we step more fully into consciously guiding our experiences.www.lastdon.org
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