Things To Remember If You’re A Recent Graduate

If I had it my way, I’d be a successful blogger by now.

Whatever that means.

(This is Tom Kuegler speaking, by the way).

When I graduated two and a half years ago, I was beaming. I was so ready to take on the real world and leave my mark on society. Heck, I was even ready to get an apartment and live life “on my own.”

Friends, this is not the reality today. If I could tell myself from two years ago to remember a couple things, this is what I’d say:

1. Add (At Least) Two Years

Take whatever big goal you have and add two years to the due date. Chances are you’ll need a couple years to build the proper experience before you can work at that company you really wanted to work for, or demand that salary you want.

2. Expect Your Friends To Fuck You Over

Think of all your greatest friends. Now think of what it’s going to be like to lose them. You may very well lose them all (or most of them) at some point in the next couple years alone.

People are only in your life for seasons, and while there’s caveats to that, most of the time I’ve found it to be painfully true.

3. Staying At Your Parent’s House Is Fine

Seriously. You’re not a loser. You’re just trying to figure things out. Turns out college doesn’t prepare you for the real world as well as you thought.

Who knew?

4. Success Will Require 10 Times The Work

If you actually want to be successful at something in the REAL WORLD, it’s going to take more work than you can possibly imagine.

This sucks to understand, but it gets better when you realize only about 10% of people are willing to work that hard.

Which part of the percentage are you going to be?

5. Even Older People Don’t Know What They’re Doing

You probably think you’re going to “figure it out” here soon, right? I thought that, and what I’ve realized is that feeling of “What the fuck am I doing?” never goes away.

Even older people feel that, and are constantly changing their passions/careers/etc.

“Knowing yourself” is a destination you’ll never arrive at. This is both scary and


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