Some answers to questions why Relationship fails

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Is it unrealistic to expect that all of your needs will be met by your partner?
Yes it is unhealthy for one or both partners to be overly dependent on each other. It is also important to understand that this expectation puts a lot of pressure on one individual.

What are other overlooked reasons why relationships fail?

  • Domestic Violence: verbal and/or physical abuse
  • Blended Families: children and step-parent adjustment issues
  • Life Changing Events: growing  apart due to boredom or major illnesses
  • Loss of a Child: approximately 92% of these couples spilt up
  • Mental Health Issues: One or both partners struggle with depression, anxiety, long-term stress related concerns and more
  • Financial Infidelity: When one partner  wants to control and keep secrets about money

How might couples counseling be helpful?

Therapist help couples understand individually and relationally that their feelings and concerns are normal; as well understand the importance of working through these challenges to reach reasonable resolutions to find common
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