Things I Value More Than Money

“I don’t care that much about money,” I told her.

“I don’t believe you,” she said. “You say it but I know it’s not true.”

I guess she’s right.

When I go broke, I am desperately upset. So upset I want to die.

When you google “I Want to Die” there are 36,300,000 results.

I’m sort of proud that I’m somewhere between #2 and #5 of those 36,000,000.

But I used to be #1.

Money makes me anxious. I don’t ever want to go broke again. The first time I went broke I lost all my friends, a house, and self-respect.

The second time, I lost my friends, my house, and my family.

I’ve had plenty of mini-brokes. I lost a lot of things during those times.

But finally during those times I realized there are things more valuable.

Actions > Words > Thoughts.

In other words, if you value something more than money, take ACTIONS to improve those things in your life.

Don’t take actions om the things you value less than money.

Money will be a side effect. Not a goal, or a wish, or a thought.

Make your list of 10 things you value more than money. Then you will see


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