Characteristics of Resilient Relationships
How to bolster your most intimate connections.
Did you ever wonder why some relationships endure even in the most stressful of times, while others are destroyed? Are there certain factors that seem to characterize strong, enduring, and resilient relationships? There are no easy answers to why some relationships endure and others don’t. However, we do believe that there are factors which seem to foster resiliency in relationships and thereby increase the likelihood of survival when confronted with adversity. Let’s take a look at those characteristics of resilient relationships.

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As challenging and even toxic as these three factors may be, the outcome is no fait accompli. As people can be resilient in the wake of adversity, so too can relationships be resilient.

Source: pixabay
- Active Optimism: More than the hope and belief that things will turn out well, active optimism is a virtual mandate to act to make things turn out well. It is the self-confidence that one can and will make a difference. It is the propensity to harness the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Honesty, Integrity, Accepting Responsibility for One’s Actions, and the Willingness to Forgive: The belief and practice that honesty and loyalty is the best policy; accepting responsibility for one’s actions regardless of the outcome and consequences, and the willingness to forgive others as well as oneself.
- Decisiveness: Decisiveness refers to the courage to take decisive action, even when the decisions maybe unpopular or highly risky.
- Tenacity: Tenacity refers to uncommon perseverance, especially in the face setbacks, discouragement, and/or outright failure.
- Self-control: Self-control refers to the ability to control impulses, to delay gratification, and to engage in health-promoting activities.
- Interpersonal Connectedness: Interpersonal connectedness refers to the active establishment and maintenance of interpersonal networks and support systems. They can be familial, vocational, avocational, and/or social.
- Présence d’esprit: This is a unique calm, innovative, non-dogmatic thinking style that is open to novel solutions, rather than an attitude that rejects novel solutions out of hand. Out of the box thinking is the hallmark of this characteristic.
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We later distilled these factors in our book Stronger:Develop the resilience you need to succeed (Everly, Strouse, & McCormack, 2015).SEVEN CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHLY RESILIENT RELATIONSHIPS
Just as we believe there are seven characteristics or common denominators for highly resilient people, we believe there are parallel characteristics or common denominators for highly resilient relationships.

Source: Pixabay
- Active Optimism: Active optimism in a relationship equates to a virtual mandate to make things turn out well. It is the self-confidence the co-habitants of the relationship have that they can and will make a difference working together. It is the relational propensity to harness the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy. It is the tendency to avoid cynical, critical, or hurtful comments directed toward oneself or one’s partner.
- Honesty, Integrity, Accepting Responsibility for One’s Actions, and the Willingness to Forgive: The belief and practice that honesty and loyalty is the best policy; accepting responsibility for one’s actions regardless of the outcome and consequences, and the willingness, within reason, to forgive the other for transgressions, as well as the willingness to forgive oneself for perceived weakness.
- Decisiveness: Decisiveness refers to the courage to take decisive action, even when the decisions may be unpopular, risky, and anxiety-provoking. Sadly, sometimes it means being courageous enough to leave a toxic relationship and promote one’s personal resilience.
- Tenacity: Tenacity refers to uncommon perseverance, especially in the face setbacks, discouragement, and/or outright failure. It also means knowing when not to be tenacious and when to advance in another direction.
- Self-control: Self-control refers to the ability to control impulses, to delay gratification, to avoid practices that are self-defeating to the relationship, and to engage in health-promoting activities. The ability to resist temptation is a powerful ally in battle to sustain relationships, especially in the face or wake of adversity.
- Interpersonal Connectedness through Honest Communication: Interpersonal connectedness is best maintained with one’s partner through open honest communications. Generally speaking, the conversations you don’t want to have are the conversations you need to have.
- Présence d’esprit: This is a unique collective calm within the relationship that leads to a non-judgmental, innovative, non-dogmatic thinking style that is open to novel solutions, rather than an attitude that rejects novel solutions out of hand and seeks to project blame. Collaborative out of the box thinking, communications, and action are the hallmarks of this characteristic.
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Source: Pixabay
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