What Are Healthy Boundaries To Set In Relationships? 15 People Reveal Their Wisest Guidelines
are many keys to a healthy, happy relationship but the most important
one of them all is setting boundaries. For example, in my relationship,
it's important that the two of us respect each other's privacy. But
figuring out what's right for you and your partner isn't always easy.
Well, if you're looking for some inspiration, a recent Reddit AskWomen
thread had ladies share what they believe to be healthy boundaries to set in relationships.
Read along and take note!
Don't lose sight of your own life outside of your SO.
Having a life outside of your relationship. Like not spending all your free time with your SO and neglecting your friends & family. Not having them read your texts from your family & friends. Not get offended when they do the same.—/u/Redhaired103
You don't get an opinion on their friendships.
I have hobbies that don't include him, he has hobbies without me. We don't snoop in each other's phones. I don't tell him who he can't have as friends and vice versa.—/u/tarantulawarfare
Love doesn't mean blindly agreeing to everything.
Being comfortable saying “no” and also respecting when the other tells you “no” (within reason).—/u/kbreu12
Leave past arguments in the past.
Don't bring previous arguments up while having a current argument, especially when it is completely unrelated.—/u/Kalonete
Never fight dirty.
Being able to fight with the other person in a fair way where neither of you are debilitated by the idea that the other person hates you or will leave you.—/u/cyranothe2nd
Understand that what works for others doesn't necessarily have to work for you.
What's healthy in one relationship is not in another. I define healthy boundaries by what's fair, what's comfortable to both, what's sustainable and realistic. Relationships are constantly evolving, so I need someone who is going to take the time to communicate and listen so we can make things work (boundaries and else).—/u/WatCorpse
Have best friends other than your partner.
It’s fine if your significant other is your best friend, but he/she should absolutely not be your only best friend. Placing all of your emotional needs on one person 24/7 is unrealistic.—/u/Pink_Floyd29
You're still a whole person without them.
Respect that the other person is a whole other person all by themselves and that while they might not have the same processes, timelines, or priorities that you do, accepting and trusting that they have the right ones for them so backing off when they aren't a you-clone.—/u/theinfamousj
Know when to stop prying.
Allowing the other to have time alone and to not pry too much. If I'm in a bad mood, obviously my partner is concerned, but he never pushes me when I tell him I do not want to talk about it. I assure him it is not about something he did, and everything is well.—/u/maddirosecook
Don't gossip about each other.
Respects that you have your own interents and friends, and expects the same for themselves
Can handle disagreements in a mature manner
Respect for privacy
Don't talk behind each others backs.—/u/JediKnight1
Remember relationships are a two-way street.
Don't ask for anything you won't reciprocate!—/u/BarryT994
Don't be a snoop.
Not snooping through phone, computer, emails, mail, packages, diaries, etc. It’s invasive and rude, not to mention an alarming display of insecurity and lack of trust. Sometimes you just need things to be YOURS, like a little personal safe haven. My parents used to search for and read my journals when I was a teen and it still pisses me off./u/infinitemousse
Be a good secret keeper.
Not telling your S/O secrets from friends, and not telling your friends your S/O's secrets. Some people we both know are genuinely surprised when my partner doesn't know something they told me in confidence. I think it's very disrespectful and crossing boundaries to share someones personal information with someone else, just because I'm close with them doesn't mean they are with each other.—/u/Pizzacanzone
Communicate as much as you possibly can.
Never expect your partner to be a mind reader.
The "if they loved me they would know/understand" is BS and a trap.
If you have an issue, talk about it.
If you want something ask—/u/corsair027
Let your partner have a life.
In a romantic relationship, not asking for permission/giving permission to do things. Your life is separate from your partner’s no matter how joint your lives are, so you don’t need to ask permission from them to do something away from them and even saying “yeah sure you can do that idc” kind of feels like saying “It is my business and I will always tell you yes or no.” At least in my experience.
When my SO asks me “can I do this? Is that okay?”, I make it a point to tell him “it’s none of my business, you can do whatever you want” because I want him to know I’m not his gatekeeper.—/u/vilcax
Trying to figure out how to set boundaries in your own relationship? Sit down with your partner and talk it out. Eventually, the two of you will draw some conclusions that work for the both of you.
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May 2018 Will Be The Best Month For These 3 Zodiac Signs, So Time To Celebrate
the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers." If April wasn't the
revitalizing dose of springtime you were hoping it would be, the month
of May will certainly not disappoint. It's time for the vibrant colors
of fresh blooms to drip into the street, and for the sun to finally
begin to shed some warmth on our skin. If not even the butterflies
hatching from their cocoons is enough to make you swoon, maybe the fact
that May 2018 will be the best month for these three zodiac signs will: Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn.
The month of May is shaking off the monotony with some replenishing planetary transitions. Mercury moves into Taurus, crystallizing your words with meaning. Uranus follows suit into Taurus, bringing change that starts from the ground up. Mars enters Aquarius, focusing your vision on the bigger picture. Venus will dance into Cancer, turning the volume of your romantic inclinations all the way up. And most exciting of all, the sun will move into Gemini on May 20. The fun will be all champagne-fizz, light-hearted smiles, and twirling under the green-speckled sunshine.
To cap off what's bound to be an iridescently beautiful month is a full moon in Sagittarius, breathing an appetite for adventure into your soul. I promise you, May is only the beginning of something even grander.
Uranus also creates startling change by moving into your sign on May 15. Since this planet is all about propelling the world into a better place, you'll feel the walls surrounding you begin to fall away, allowing exciting new prospects to enter your life.
You will feel like using this harmonious energy to infuse your career with your individuality. With Venus taking your charisma to new levels in your own sign until it moves into your second house of money on May 19, you'll definitely be able to find a groove in your daily routine that works for you.
These revelations will likely show you how to enjoy the process of making money, since Uranus is also your career planet. It's during your indulgence that you may realize what you should be doing with your life. Perhaps you've been working a job that doesn't utilize your talents, or a job that has bored you to tears for too long. With Uranus on your side, you'll be able to shake things up until your dreams feel much closer in reach.
The month of May is shaking off the monotony with some replenishing planetary transitions. Mercury moves into Taurus, crystallizing your words with meaning. Uranus follows suit into Taurus, bringing change that starts from the ground up. Mars enters Aquarius, focusing your vision on the bigger picture. Venus will dance into Cancer, turning the volume of your romantic inclinations all the way up. And most exciting of all, the sun will move into Gemini on May 20. The fun will be all champagne-fizz, light-hearted smiles, and twirling under the green-speckled sunshine.
To cap off what's bound to be an iridescently beautiful month is a full moon in Sagittarius, breathing an appetite for adventure into your soul. I promise you, May is only the beginning of something even grander.
Taurus: You'll Dazzle With Wealth And Glamour
The sun has been in your first house since April, shouting your name for the heavens to hear. This has flushed you with an overall sense of confidence and pleasure. From head to toe, you've felt comfortable in your own skin. As the sun shifts into Gemini on May 20, you won't lose that power; it will simply be transferred into your second house of money. Who could complain about that? Your earning power will reach new heights, especially with Venus joining the sun in your second house as well. You could probably get someone to pay you just by winking at them, honestly.Uranus also creates startling change by moving into your sign on May 15. Since this planet is all about propelling the world into a better place, you'll feel the walls surrounding you begin to fall away, allowing exciting new prospects to enter your life.
Gemini: Your Soul Will Feel Rich With Beauty
The majority of this month will be centered on your spiritual awareness. You'll feel deeply connected to your emotions and in touch with the world around you. There will be a peaceful understanding of where you're at — a contentment with living in the moment. The fact that Uranus also moves into your twelfth house of spirituality causes a revolution within. You'll be learning new things about yourself and your perspectives will transform.You will feel like using this harmonious energy to infuse your career with your individuality. With Venus taking your charisma to new levels in your own sign until it moves into your second house of money on May 19, you'll definitely be able to find a groove in your daily routine that works for you.
Capricorn: Work Will Feel Like Play
Your fifth house of pleasure and entertainment has been receiving grounding energy from the Sun in Taurus since April. This will continue for the majority of the month, and your spirits will remain high as you take time to enjoy yourself. The possibility for fun and excitement is only multiplied when Uranus, a planet that uproots you from your comfort zone, also moves into your fifth house. Through your adventures and joy for life, you'll learn so much about what makes you happy.These revelations will likely show you how to enjoy the process of making money, since Uranus is also your career planet. It's during your indulgence that you may realize what you should be doing with your life. Perhaps you've been working a job that doesn't utilize your talents, or a job that has bored you to tears for too long. With Uranus on your side, you'll be able to shake things up until your dreams feel much closer in reach.
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