Why Millennials Need To Reduce Social Media's Impact On Their Relationship

When you enter a relationship, it’s exciting, and you want to let your social media “world” know all about it. And so, you change your status; you post pictures; you wax profanely about how much you love your significant other. All is right with your social media world. Or so it is right now.
A recent study by Havas Media showed just how much obsessions with social media are impacting the lives of young millennials and older Generation Z demographics, and their relationships:

  • Almost one-third of those surveyed stated they often exaggerate their statuses and posts on social media, including their relationships
  • 68% state they have used their social networks to check up on ex-partners
  • 75% state they believe that social media can ruin or at least harm relationships.
This is most likely because social media has a way of creating insecurities and frictions, and young people find a need to present themselves and their relationships in the best light possible, in order to appear to “have it all,” but not necessarily in real life.
These behaviors, though, can cause real harm to relationships. Here’s how social media can hamper our romantic relationships and what you can do to reduce the risk.
Social media breeds unrealistic expectations
Once we have “gone public,” we begin to compare our relationships with those of others who are “public” too. They are giving each other gifts, taking amazing trips, and posting a video of that amazing marriage proposal and the ring. All of a sudden, the question hits, “Why aren’t we engaged?” Or that thought, “They seem so much more into each other than he (or she) is to me.”
Earlier it has been proven that social media websites - Facebook in particular - tends to erode user’s self esteem through unfavorable social comparison. But the truth users should remember is this: every couple and every relationship is unique. And we never know what is actually the reality behind the scenes. But, millennials who take these “perfect” relationships to heart, can end up making unreasonable demands on their partners.
You can’t “turn off” all of those wonderful moments that others share. But you can keep reminding yourself that you are only seeing what they want you to see. And stop bringing up those photos and videos to your partner.
“Sharing” is not a merit of relationship success  
Some millennials tend to overestimate the importance of being “Facebook-official” and actively sharing personal stuff online. As already mentioned, social media often feeds into our insecurities.
“Are they hiding me from friends and relatives?” “Are they still interested in hooking up with others online and doesn’t want them to know about our relationship?” - these are the common concerns a lot of my friends tend to deal with on a regular basis.
Researchers from Northwestern University had discovered that people who feel insecure in their relationships tend to post more frequently about their partner on social media. So being “visible” on your partner’s profile actually does not mean that you have developed healthy relationships.
Step back and get some perspective. Does your significant other post often and share lots of personal stuff? Or is s/he a more infrequent poster who keeps things less personal? If this is the case, then you need to accept that part of your partner’s personality. Some people are just more private than others.
Social media may breed toxic behaviors
If you find yourself hopping onto your partner’s page often, to “check” on friends, posts, and whatever, then you might be insecure in your relationship. The same goes for checking phone messages and texts. This is not a good thing. Relationships are built upon trust, and this kind of behavior smacks of the opposite.
If this behavior is occurring on either of your parts, you need to have a serious discussion about your insecurities and what is causing them. This kind of behavior unchecked is long-lasting, and a relationship will not last under these circumstances.
It’s easy to get sneaky on social media. Your or your partner can easily engage in messaging and “relationships” and then erase those as soon as you are finished for the time being. It’s just easy to hook up with “strangers” online and be bold when you know you will never meet them in person. But this behavior can obviously cause friction and damage a relationship if it becomes known. According to Pew Research, 8% of millennial partners have reported being upset by the other’s party actions on social media.
Contemporary relationships are complicated. Couples are busy, often stressed with school and work, and partnerships require commitment and work. Exposing the details online, and engaging in stupid behaviors causes damage that doesn’t need to be. Use social media wisely and in moderation.


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