Building relationships, building our future

HIBBING — The man now at the helm of
the Hibbing Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors wants the
community to better its relationships.
Marvin Vuicich has been entrusted as chair for 2018.
“Geeze, a chubby kid from Brooklyn? Who’d have thought,” he ribbed while diving into his speech during the 113th Annual Chamber Dinner Friday, Feb. 9, at the Elks Lodge. “Seriously, it’s a great honor.”
Vuicich, chief operating officer of American Bank of the North, titled his speech “Growing Business and Community by Building Positive Relationships.” He began with mentioning his relationship with the Chamber and its President Lory Fedo.
“Lory, 10 years ago there wasn’t a shot in hell that one day that I’d be up here giving this speech,” he stated, noting their interaction wasn’t so hot. “Wow, our relationship has come a long way.”
The two are proof that any two or more people or sides can move forward.
“As Wikipedia defines it, (a relationship) takes two to make a relationship, and both Lory and I came to understand each other over the years, “ he said. “Even though we don’t always agree, we have learned to set aside our differences for the betterment of Hibbing.”
As a banker, Vuicich said he deals with more than just numbers and money.
“When asked what I do for a living, my usual response is I build relationships,” he said. “I realized early on that in order to be successful, building relationships is critical. Anybody can do a transaction, but when you work closely with a business or individual to understand their needs, it leads to long lasting relationships and only then do you find true success.”
Looking back to his days growing up in Brooklyn, Hibbing was the economic driver of the Iron Range. That has long passed, as the Central Range now trails the Quad Cities to the east and the Grand Rapids area to the west.
Vuicich wants that to change.
“My vision is to begin building lasting relationships among local businesses, individuals,
the Chamber and city government for the betterment of Hibbing,” he said. “We cannot maximize our potential without working together, and by working together anything is possible.”
The Hibbing Economic Development Authority should drive economic development in Hibbing, asserted Vuicich. A former HEDA president, he requested that the city hire a full-time economic development coordinator to spearhead future economic development activities.
“The question should not be ‘can we afford to hire a full-time person,’” he said. “The question should be ‘can we afford not to do it.’”
He also invited HEDA to use the chamber’s membership to assist with expansion efforts.
“The first step in working together. Let’s stop the undertow of negativity in the community,” said Vuicich. “It seems inevitable that when a new business is rumored to be coming to Hibbing or an existing business is rumored to be expanding, the negative comments start.”
Speaking to a room full of business professionals, he said its community leaders’ job to change this negativity.
“Our collective responses should be Hibbing is a great location for business, and any business should want to locate to or expand in Hibbing,” he added. “ … Again, my challenge to each of you is that if you hear negativity regarding our community, shut it down and instead point to all of the resources Hibbing has to offer.”
Vuicich acknowledged the recent addition of Boomtown, and thanked Erik and Jessica Lietz for their investment in Hibbing.
“I want to welcome you and thank you for having enough confidence in Hibbing to make a significant investment in our community,” he said. “I know that opening your business wasn’t without challenges but you persevered and Hibbing is better off for your persistence. To those who were skeptical of Boomtown ever opening in Hibbing, I’m very happy to say ‘I told you so.’”
The room roared with applause.
Vuicich also gave nod to the “backbone of our community” — existing businesses. He thanked the Chisholm family of L&M Radiator and the Board of Directors of Minnesota Diversified Industries (MDI) for expanding their businesses here.
“Last, I want all of us to be positive. Let’s not use ‘n’t’ words. By that I mean words such as can’t, don’t, won’t, etc.,” he said. “I’ve often heard ‘it can’t be done or I won’t work on that.’ I say from challenges come opportunities. Instead of a ‘can’t do attitude,’ let’s embrace those challenges and develop ways to accomplish the task of returning Hibbing to being the economic leader of the Iron Range.”
Vuicich advocated for thinking big, and once again stressing the need to work together. He then closed in the words of new Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.
“I think ambition for the city is a damn good thing,” he said.
Marvin Vuicich has been entrusted as chair for 2018.
“Geeze, a chubby kid from Brooklyn? Who’d have thought,” he ribbed while diving into his speech during the 113th Annual Chamber Dinner Friday, Feb. 9, at the Elks Lodge. “Seriously, it’s a great honor.”
Vuicich, chief operating officer of American Bank of the North, titled his speech “Growing Business and Community by Building Positive Relationships.” He began with mentioning his relationship with the Chamber and its President Lory Fedo.
“Lory, 10 years ago there wasn’t a shot in hell that one day that I’d be up here giving this speech,” he stated, noting their interaction wasn’t so hot. “Wow, our relationship has come a long way.”
The two are proof that any two or more people or sides can move forward.
“As Wikipedia defines it, (a relationship) takes two to make a relationship, and both Lory and I came to understand each other over the years, “ he said. “Even though we don’t always agree, we have learned to set aside our differences for the betterment of Hibbing.”
As a banker, Vuicich said he deals with more than just numbers and money.
“When asked what I do for a living, my usual response is I build relationships,” he said. “I realized early on that in order to be successful, building relationships is critical. Anybody can do a transaction, but when you work closely with a business or individual to understand their needs, it leads to long lasting relationships and only then do you find true success.”
Looking back to his days growing up in Brooklyn, Hibbing was the economic driver of the Iron Range. That has long passed, as the Central Range now trails the Quad Cities to the east and the Grand Rapids area to the west.
Vuicich wants that to change.
“My vision is to begin building lasting relationships among local businesses, individuals,
the Chamber and city government for the betterment of Hibbing,” he said. “We cannot maximize our potential without working together, and by working together anything is possible.”
The Hibbing Economic Development Authority should drive economic development in Hibbing, asserted Vuicich. A former HEDA president, he requested that the city hire a full-time economic development coordinator to spearhead future economic development activities.
“The question should not be ‘can we afford to hire a full-time person,’” he said. “The question should be ‘can we afford not to do it.’”
He also invited HEDA to use the chamber’s membership to assist with expansion efforts.
“The first step in working together. Let’s stop the undertow of negativity in the community,” said Vuicich. “It seems inevitable that when a new business is rumored to be coming to Hibbing or an existing business is rumored to be expanding, the negative comments start.”
Speaking to a room full of business professionals, he said its community leaders’ job to change this negativity.
“Our collective responses should be Hibbing is a great location for business, and any business should want to locate to or expand in Hibbing,” he added. “ … Again, my challenge to each of you is that if you hear negativity regarding our community, shut it down and instead point to all of the resources Hibbing has to offer.”
Vuicich acknowledged the recent addition of Boomtown, and thanked Erik and Jessica Lietz for their investment in Hibbing.
“I want to welcome you and thank you for having enough confidence in Hibbing to make a significant investment in our community,” he said. “I know that opening your business wasn’t without challenges but you persevered and Hibbing is better off for your persistence. To those who were skeptical of Boomtown ever opening in Hibbing, I’m very happy to say ‘I told you so.’”
The room roared with applause.
Vuicich also gave nod to the “backbone of our community” — existing businesses. He thanked the Chisholm family of L&M Radiator and the Board of Directors of Minnesota Diversified Industries (MDI) for expanding their businesses here.
“Last, I want all of us to be positive. Let’s not use ‘n’t’ words. By that I mean words such as can’t, don’t, won’t, etc.,” he said. “I’ve often heard ‘it can’t be done or I won’t work on that.’ I say from challenges come opportunities. Instead of a ‘can’t do attitude,’ let’s embrace those challenges and develop ways to accomplish the task of returning Hibbing to being the economic leader of the Iron Range.”
Vuicich advocated for thinking big, and once again stressing the need to work together. He then closed in the words of new Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.
“I think ambition for the city is a damn good thing,” he said.
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