Inspirational Quotes About Love & Relationships
The process of finding your partner is a rewarding journey unto itself that will teach you a lot about yourself and life. While there may be many ups and downs on this path, it is important to remember that every lesson serves its purpose.

All too often, many people give up on the idea of finding love because it feels like a lot of work and give up hope. But the truth is, to create anything worthwhile in life will always take some form of effort, which is why it’s important people remember that it is worth it as long as you stay positive.
The process of finding your partner is a rewarding journey unto itself that will teach you a lot about yourself and life. While there may be many ups and downs on this path, it is important to remember that every lesson serves its purpose.
Here are some inspirational quotes and phrases about love and relationships that will help to inspire you to not give up on finding that special person in your life.
1. We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, and persistence. – Cornel West
2. The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness. – Neale Donald Walsch
3. The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. ― C.G. Jung
5. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. ― Donald Miller
6. You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. – Dr. Seuss
7. Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself. — Andre Breton
8. When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth. – Jess C. Scott
9. You don’t really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely. – Unknown
10. The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends. – B. R. Ambedkar
11. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever. – Alfred Tennyson
12. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao-Tzu
13. Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful. – Unknown
14. Being married is like having somebody permanently in your corner. It feels limitless, not limited. – Gloria Steinem
15. Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one — C.S. Lewis
16. We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. – Sam Keen
17. You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. – Epicurus
18. The one who is meant for you encourages you to be your best, but still loves and accepts you at your worst. – Unknown
19. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses – Ann Landers
20. Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words ‘for ever.’ But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don’t like doing it
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