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Who you choose to spend your life with is an
incredibly important decision ― and sometimes, you realize the person
you thought was “the one” isn’t the right choice anymore.
But that doesn’t stop people from staying put in dead-end relationships, said Sheryl Ziegler, a counselor and author of the forthcoming book Mommy Burnout: How to Reclaim Your Life and Raise Healthier Children in the Process.
“Sometimes, fear is the only reason a person stays in a relationship
even when they know it’s over: They fear being alone or not finding
someone else,” she told HuffPost. “If that’s the case for you, and your
partner is more of a source of stress rather than comfort, it may be
time to end the relationship.”
What are some of the signs that a relationship has run its course?
Below, Ziegler and other marriage experts share eight red flags.
1. You try to work out problems with your partner, but they never make an effort.
“I see couples in my office all the time complaining that they have problems communicating.
One partner will say something like ‘I’ve told him hundreds of times
not to come home late and he doesn’t listen. I just need help
communicating it to him so he’ll understand.’ My response usually goes
something like this: ‘Well, you’ve said it loud and clear just now. What
do you think isn’t being understood?’ If you’ve said it over and over
and if you’ve yelled and cried trying to get them to understand, then
it’s time to move on. If they don’t understand it after all of that,
they probably never will.” ― Aaron Anderson, a couples therapist in Denver, Colorado
2. One of you had an affair ― or multiple affairs ― and isn’t remorseful about it.
“Many couples enter relationships feeling confident that there are a
few things they would absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, end a
relationship over: affairs,
addiction and physical or sexual abuse (the three A’s). I can tell you
that infidelity is not and should not be a deal-breaker in
relationships. Many couples can absolutely overcome sexual and emotional infidelity and rebuild a relationship that was better than it started at the altar. What is a
sign that a relationship is ready to dissolve is when there is no sign
of remorse or willingness to change after several attempts.” ― Laura Heck, a marriage and family therapist in Salt Lake City, Utah
3. You realize you don’t really like or respect your partner at their core.
“This is such a common reason to end a relationship. How could you
possibly spend the next five years, much less the rest of your life,
with someone you don’t admire? This may be a hard reality you need to
confront. There could be a number of reasons why you’ve lost respect:
Maybe you’ve been with this person for quite some time, but no one in
your family or friend group really likes them ― and you’re starting to
feel the same way. If you’re with a person who you don’t respect, it’s
just not possible for your relationship to last long, much less grow and
expand.” ―Gary Brown, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles
4. You rarely have sex.
“This shift is often gradual:
less hand-holding, less kisses goodbye, fewer nights cuddling on the
couch or in bed, and before you know it, there is no more foreplay. Sex
then becomes something you do in the dark, with little to no romance and
you’re counting the minutes until it is over. You initially make
excuses for the changes: You’re still on your period or have a migraine.
You slowly start breaking your evening rituals like watching your shows
together or talking about your day. You go to bed either early or
late. Before you know it, you not only don’t have sex, you no longer
engage in all the pre-sex buildup: being affectionate, communicating and
sharing a sense of playfulness. All of it is gone.” ― Sheryl Ziegler
5. You’ve asked your partner to go to couples therapy but they refuse to go.
“If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut for a long time and have been
crystal clear about needing a change ― perhaps you’ve suggested
counseling ― and your partner does nothing, then your relationship is
probably over. You may hope that things might change on their own, but
your partner’s lack of interest is a clear sign that they don’t care.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over and expecting a different result; if your partner clearly doesn’t want anything different, expecting something to change is often fruitless.” ― AaronAnderson
6. You’re fantasizing about another person.
“At some point, you may have become numb to the relationship. You no
longer care to talk, you don’t even bother to fight and usually, sarcasm replaces the nasty words
that used to come out of your mouth. Now, you’re condescending and find
opportunities to point out when your partner is wrong or clueless.
Then, you replace the anger with fantasies about another person in your
life. One that is likely more attractive, smarter, more successful and
probably better in bed. You find comfort in creating situations where
you imagine this real or imagined other person in your life. It allows
you to hold on to hope that you won’t be lonely if this relationship
ends.” ― Sheryl Ziegler
7. You’re in a high-conflict relationship.
“If you can’t stop arguing
and you have exhausted all other options to learn conflict management
skills, it’s likely that your health, happiness and overall life
satisfaction has taken a nose dive. It may be time to dissolve your
relationship, especially if you have children. The good news? Research
indicates that those in high-conflict marriages tend to increase their well-being post-divorce, especially women.” ― Laura Heck
8. Your big life goals no longer align.
“If you find yourself in a relationship where your basic wants,
wishes, needs and life desires don’t really align, it’s time to move on.
Let’s say you’ve always wanted children but now your partner is not so
sure. If starting a family is a ‘must’ for you, this is not really
something to compromise on ― it’s an obvious deal-breaker. Or it may be
that he just wants to live together and you really want to get married.
You could wait for years on end, and maybe it will work out, but if your
partner is crystal clear that they are absolutely not into marriage,
then you have your answer. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that they
are going to change.
Cristiano Babin/Getty I Although some people make it seem like sexting is something new and unique to the digital age, the art of sending steamy messages to a sexual partner is centuries old. It’s just a hell of a lot easier these days to contact someone and also, if you’re so inclined, share a hot pic or video. Talking dirty when you’re far away from a partner doesn’t have to be embarrassing, and you shouldn’t feel any shame about doing it. Actually, it’s our humble belief that sexting is something you should totally do (you know, assuming you’re into it) to keep your relationship interesting. Not that it’s not already interesting! But if things are lagging in the bedroom , sexting can be a great way to spice things up and show your partner that you’re still digging them, even if sometimes you’re a little too tired at the end of the day to have IRL sex. And you’re still in the “honeymoon phase” and want to keep it that way, sext...
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